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enjoy life’s little pleasures
享受生命中每一份小小快乐  detail>>
the little pleasures of life
闲情记趣  detail>>
the pleasures of life
人生乐趣  detail>>
enjoy the pleasures of retrospection
享受回味往事的乐趣  detail>>
to increase the pleasures of life
增加生活的情趣  detail>>
enjoy life
享受生命  detail>>
enjoy a fairly comfortable life
进入小康  detail>>
enjoy beauty in real life
享受现实生活中的美  detail>>
enjoy comfort and ease in life
享受甜美的生活  detail>>
enjoy eomforts of life
过舒适生活  detail>>
enjoy the blessings of life at home
在家纳福  detail>>
enjoy the high life
过奢侈生活  detail>>
enjoy the life of an actor
很喜欢演员的生活  detail>>
life is a love , enjoy it
生活是爱,去享受它吧  detail>>
to enjoy the rest of life
享受余生之乐  detail>>
的快乐之源 欢沁 欢愉 之源  detail>>
little nothings of life
生活琐事  detail>>
一生一台戏  detail>>